Economic Development Week
Let's celebrate Economic Development Week - May 8 -12, 2023!
Profit Mastery
In our hands-on Profit Mastery workshops, you'll learn to understand your financials, learn how to manage your business to increase profitability, and strengthen your relationship with your lender. Discover how… more Profit Mastery
BSED May Board Meeting
This meeting will be held in-person in the Zoot Training Room on the 2nd floor. Please RSVP to if you are planning to attend. BSED Board Packet 05.11.23
Startup Roadmap
Designed for individuals who would like to start their own business. This is a great overview of things to know about start-up costs, financing options, and business planning. A wealth… more Startup Roadmap
Take Action! Move Beyond SAM!
Please join the Montana PTAC for a high-level VIRTUAL training on how the federal government and State of Montana purchases products and services. Topics include: – Federal and State of… more Take Action! Move Beyond SAM!