The staff of NADC would like to formally invite you to the 2018 NADC Economic Development and Procurement Conference –August 1-2, 2018 at the Big Horn Resort and Conference Center in Billings, Montana. The theme of the 2018 conference is Community Vitality defined as "the ability of a community to sustain itself into the future as well as provide opportunities… more 10th Annual NADC Conference “Community Vitality”
ZZ Top, Phillip Phillips, Carolyn Wonderland, AJR, Madisen Ward and the Mama Bear, Lloyd JOnes Quartet, Too Slim and the Taildraggers, Benyaro, Alder Lights, Laney Lou and the Bird Dogs, Dead Presleys, Willy Goodridge
Join artist Brooke Moore as she introduces her light-refracting public art installation on the south side of the Rockman Building downtown (in the parking lot behind Ebon and Bin 119). ArtWalk sponsor Bin 119 Kitchen & Wine Bar will extend their popular patio for viewing and celebration. Also, expect live music. Moore was one of the recipients… more Public Art Installation Unveiling
Register and learn more at Your influence matters. Join 445,000 of your peers to learn how to maximize it with Two Days of World-Class Leadership Training. Gain exclusive access to the LIVE HD telecast of the Summit at one of 700+ locations Get a unique blend of vision, inspiration and practical skills you can immediately… more The Global Leadership Summit
The 2018 Innovate Symposium is the first statewide event entirely focused on giving early stage ventures actionable insights to get to market and grow their companies. Every aspect of the day - from our keynote speaker and panelists to invited attendees - will be curated for their ability to innovate & create products with a… more Innovate Montana Symposium